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OpenAI Has a Blog - I Wonder Who Wrote It

In my OpenAI/ChatGPT/DALL-E Journey, I now know how to get results using my API-Key, but now how do I get it into a file or database that I can then use for my website. I searched for the 'ChatGPT API glossary' which came up blank, then I went to 'terms' which went to terms and conditions, then I put in "chatgpt api terms model role system content" and found the blog - which I think will get me what I am after.

This is what the Blog Looks Like

Read Documentation

Hello and Welcome!

Here is some information about me:

Programmer - I have been programming since 1982. Some was for work as an Electrical Engineer, but of my programming has been as a hobby and for some entrepreneurial endeavors.

Business Owner - I have an MBA and have worked in and have managed small businesses for over 33 years.